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Travel with a baby: top tips for sleep

Written by: Aileen Dunbar, Founder of Connected Slumber Baby/Toddler Sleep Support

Do you have an upcoming trip with your baby? Please read this post, which includes answers to the most frequently asked questions about how to help them sleep so you can have more peace of mind during your travels.

Tips for travelling to a new time zone

1. How long will it take my baby to adjust to a new time zone?

It takes about one day to adjust for each time zone crossed (each time zone represents an hour difference). 2. Should I keep my baby on the same schedule as usual or adjust them to the new time zone? It depends on how long you will be in the new time zone. If you are only there for a week or less, and there is less than a 3-hour time difference, you may want to try to keep your baby at the same time as at home, if possible, as this will avoid having to readjust them back upon your return home. If you are staying longer than a week and there is more than a 3-hour time difference, you could use strategies to help them adjust. 3. What are some strategies to help my baby adjust to the new time zone? You could prepare them for the trip by shifting naps and bedtime by 15 minutes each day (earlier or later, depending on the new time zone you will be going to) for a week or so before the trip. Alternatively, you could wait until you arrive and use light to your advantage. You would wake your baby in the morning on the first full day in the new location to expose them to natural sunlight and help their circadian rhythm adjust naturally.

Sleep Space Tips

1. What should I bring with me?

Bring as much as possible from home to help your baby feel safe and secure at sleep times—for example, a sound machine, crib sheets, lovey, sleep sack, etc. You could bring portable blackout blinds to make the room pitch black, which helps adjust to the new time zone.

2. How can I set up the sleep space to help optimize my baby’s sleep?

Ensure you safely set up the sleep space away from hazards such as hanging blind cords or wires. You could use blackout blinds or a hanger with clips to attach curtains. Allow your baby to play in their new sleep space, which helps them create positive associations and reduce their anxiety about sleeping there. You could be beside them as they play to give them extra reassurance. If you use a crib provided by the hotel/motel where you are staying, ensure it meets safety criteria. Here is a checklist to help you: MHR_Cribs.pdf (

General Sleep Strategies while Travelling

1. Is it ok to do naps on the go?

Of course! Motion naps are perfectly fine and might make it easier to see more sites and do more activities during your trip. It is a baby sleep myth that napping in the stroller or carrier isn’t as restorative. This is because the primary purpose of naps is to relieve sleep pressure, the biological mechanism that drives us to sleep. The longer a baby has been awake, the more sleep pressure increases. This means that any time a baby naps, no matter the nap length or where it takes place (i.e. stroller, carrier, car seat, etc.), the nap has been “successful” since it has relieved the sleep pressure. On the other hand, if you feel like your baby/toddler just hasn’t been able to get a good nap on the go, then focus on getting them to nap in their sleep space where you are staying for at least one of the naps to avoid baby getting overtired. (I know each baby’s temperament is different and some babies don’t nap well on the go!).

2. Should I keep the nap/bedtime routines that I use at home?

Using the same routine from home as much as possible could be very helpful in helping your baby feel comfortable in their new environment. If your baby has a motion nap, you most likely wouldn’t have a routine beforehand, but if your baby is sleeping in the room where you are staying, you could try to recreate what you do at home to help ease them into sleep.

3. What are some tips to help my baby sleep in the car if doing a road trip?

a) Timing: If possible, you could either time the trip with one of their naps or right before their bedtime so they will sleep in the car.

b) Sound: You could bring a portable sound machine as the white noise could help lull them to sleep. Make sure it’s secured safely in the car.

c) Light: If travelling during the day, you could use window shades to block some sunlight, which could help your baby fall asleep more easily.

d) Connection: It may help if someone sits in the back seat with your baby. This way, you can help settle them to sleep and provide them with the reassurance they need that you are with them.

4. What are some tips to help my baby sleep on the plane?

a) Timing: Similarly to car trips, try to time flight with one of their naps and/or bedtime. For example, if they are on one nap, try to book a flight in the middle of the day when your baby has a nap or a flight later in the evening near bedtime. This could help them sleep more easily during the flight and make your life easier, too!

b) Sound: Try to reserve a seat away from airplane bathrooms. There will be more noise in these areas, such as the slamming of the door and/or people talking, which could keep your baby from sleeping.

c) Light: Reserving a window seat could help with this as you could close the shade. Having a window seat would also give you more privacy.

d) Connection: Use whichever sleep associations your baby is used to at home to provide them with the same comfort and support they are accustomed to. For example, breast/bottle feeding to sleep or using a lightweight carrier and walking up and down the aisles when possible. If your baby is used to a particular sleep association that is difficult to do on the plane, you could try adding in extra sleep associations before your trip that will be easier to do on the plane (ex. Rubbing their back instead of rocking).

Overall, travelling with a baby can be challenging, but you will definitely make some amazing memories, so I believe it is well worth it!

Have you travelled with a baby? What are your top tips to make it go more smoothly? Share in the comments below.

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